I Need Help

Contact the Phoenix House Shelter 

A Safe, Crisis Shelter is available in Rush County for individuals and families fleeing domestic violence, elder abuse and sexual assault. Call 765-938-1555 or 765-561-3419. 


Personalized Safety Plan 

Your safety is the most important thing. Listed below are tips to help keep you safe. 


If you are in an abusive relationship: 


1.      Have important phone numbers nearby for you and your children. Numbers to have are the police, friends and the Phoenix House (765-561-3419). 


2.      Tell trusted friends or neighbors about the abuse. Ask them to call the police if they hear angry or violent noises. If you have children, teach them how to dial 911. Make up a code word that you can use when you need help. 


3.      If you feel abuse is going to happen try to get your abuser to a safer place in your home where there are exits and no weapons.  


4.      Think of people who might help you if you left; who will keep a bag for you; who might lend you money.  


5.      Make plans for your pets. 


6.      Get a cell phone - open a bank account - get a credit card in your name. 


7.      If you feel in danger, do things that get you out of the house - taking out the trash, walking the family pet, or going to the store. 


8.      Think of ways you could take your children with you safely. There are times when taking your children with you may put all of your lives in danger. You need to protect yourself to be able to protect your children. 


9.      Put together a bag of things you use every day. Hide it where it is easy for you to get. 


Items to Take, If Possible: 

·        Children (if it is safe) 

·        Money 

·        Keys to car, house, work 

·        Extra clothes  

·        Medicine 

·        Important papers for you and your children 

·        Birth certificates 

·        Social security cards 

·        School and medical records 

·        Bankbooks, credit cards 

·        Driver's license 

·        Car registration 

·        Welfare identification 

·        Passports, green cards, work permits 

·        Lease/rental agreement 

·        Mortgage book, unpaid bills 

·        Insurance papers 

·        PPO, divorce papers, custody orders 

·        Pictures, jewelry, things that mean a lot to you 

·        Items for your children (toys, blankets, etc.) 


WARNING: Abusers try to control their victims' lives. When abusers feel a loss of control - like when victims try to leave them - the abuse often gets worse. Take special care when you leave. Keep being careful even after you have left.  


Protective Orders 

A protective order is a legal document, granted by a judge, to help protect a victim of abuse and harassment. Orders are drafted to meet the needs and desires of the individual victim. They are enforced by law enforcement and the courts. The RCVA Executive Director can assist you in obtaining a Protective Order. 

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